Monday, March 22, 2010

Rain? Shithole?

ok i should be studying, hmmm, or making something crafty, or something to eat, but instead im surfing the net, much more interesting. I found some knitted veges, crafty but not edible, but would appeal to a couple of fruitloops, oops, i meant friends ! I also found an arty site, one old painting a day,  which just reminded me i need to put some of my paintings on this blog, but my darling husband has taken the camera, again, and some interesting photos, i found on the net, not him. Its still raining here on and off, i think its starting to affect me, my brain has forgotton what sunshine looks like, in fact the sun shone for a millisecond and it nearly burnt my retinas! I have heard the suicide rate is high in Seattle, maybe because of lack of sunshine, or maybe beacause of all the viruses infecting microsoft, or the state of the coffee at starbucks! I stayed up to 1am reading Mich Alboms' For One More Day, which was very good, as are all his books, which is about having one more day with his deceased mother after he was in an accident and i guess in his unconscious state he was able to tell her he missed her and loved her very much. Which made me think of my mother, who unfortunately is a big whinge bag, and the last person I would want to spend a day with dead or alive. You may think thats cruel but honestly its like watching Eddie Macguire commentate on the finer points of curling, which is a lovely sport but he is a total idiot. Which reminds me my favourite tv shows are all on tonight, none of which involve the aformentioned idiot thank god, so i will attempt to finish the jumper i am knitting for my daughter, i only have to do the band so shouldnt be too long, maybe by winter she will have it, hopefully this year. Then my son wants one, so i will probably have some kind of knitters (or nutters) rsi at the end. Then i might get a crocheted vege patch nanna rug hint hint!! love your stuff margie!
the jumper should look like the photo here,  in case i really stuff it up, or she outgrows it before im finished!
avoir from the nutter, i mean knitter, i think, heheh told you it was affecting me...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sweet tooth

I had a hankering for some dessert last night and decided to make a chocolate ganache tart, except it had to set overnight so I had to wait, and then in the morning i decided to make a banana cake with some dead bananas left in the bowl, and use up the passionfruit for icing, yum. It turned out beautifully, all golden on top, but moist and light. So being impatient I iced it a bit too soon and it started to slide off, but not before i could take a photo, I fumbled for an instant and then captured it just in time!

just out of the oven

 passionfruit icing straight from the vine!

icing about to slide off!


Monday, March 8, 2010

Born again quilter!

this is another project in the making, I love these fabrics from the fat quater shop, so i found this pattern that i thought would work. I have to get some help with the center piece with the emboidery and applique as it has been many years since i last did any quilting, and then i did a lot of it by guess work. So i have sewed the strips together and laid out the sashing to see how it would look, not bad so far!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


ok so this is what ive been doing in my spare time, the cushion was fairly recent, the quilts were made a LONG time ago but one for each child, i did these by myself with no pattern and they were the first time i had ever done this, so they could be better but they love them, and the jumper is a project in the making for my daughter. I love the colour so hope it turns out ok.

Le Fleur

This is a photo of the rose my hubbie bought for me a while back, i was a bit sceptical as it was just a thorny stick at first, but the flower is just beautiful, i now have it right where i pass everyday. I now need to find out how to prune so it develops into a nice shape. That will be when it stops pouring rain, we had the wettest march ever and thats was on the 2nd !