Friday, June 10, 2011

WIP a never ending story!

 I guess we all have a stack of stuff to do, and if you are like me and love to start new projects but lack the time to finish them this might help! Sew Shine has a giveaway to give us all a little push in the right direction. Just follow the link and good luck! Thank you Anne Marie for the post to get us going!
And there will be a button on the side bar with the WIP on it. No excuses! See its right there on the right!

I will committ to three projects, the one on  the cutting board, another Phd in that cavernous box, and one from the pile on the floor, phew I'm overwhelmed already!


Lynne said...

I wish you luck as you work towards your goals.

Myra said...

You can do it R! I know you can!!
How is that last PhD doing? 13 days to go till challenge end... Nudge-nudge... 8-)