Monday, February 7, 2011

Hi there Sue !

I have had the pleasure of meeting so many lovely people out there its been amazing.
But there is a special person i would like to introduce, this lovely lady has been reading my humble ramblings, she doesnt have a blog, but loves to look at others, so this is Sue and her story,

I should tell you where I am.
My husband of 48 years (this Feb.23rd)
and I live in a small town in north central 
Alberta, population about 1500 and we are 
one and a half hours from the nearest city
which is where we have to go for medical
appointments requiring specialists.  
We have a wonderful slate of doctors here,
5 doctors who work part time, trading hours
to cover around the clock.
We have two seniors lodges and two extended
care facilities since we are a center for
the elderly in the area which covers many
miles around us.
Our hospital is across the street from our
house which is very convenient. 
This first quilt was also my very first quilt.
I made it for my brother's 25th anniversary 
of his ordination to the priesthood in 1983,
actually I started it two years earlier so 
that I would have it finished on time. 
The only machine sewing is the joining of the 
large pieces, the food, dishes and cutlery are
all hand appliqued and the entire quilt is 
hand quilted. He was a great cook so this
was an appropriate choice, I had no pattern
but had a picture. The more I added to the
menu though, the bigger the quilt got, 
the final dimension was 96" x 108". 
Sadly, three years later, he passed away  
suddenly of an arithmea (not sure of the 
spelling)at the age of 55. 
He had purchased a wooden drapery  rod so
he could hang it on a cedar wall in his home
and now it is rolled up in a pillow case
in my closet because I don't have a suitable
place to hang it. 
The second one is called 3 Bean Salad 
(my e-mail) and the story behind the e-mail
goes like this.  My daughter was helping me
to change my e-mail address (I need her 
because I get lost in those things), 
I had been looking for this pattern for a 
long time, made many calls to quilt shops 
all to no avail. I was so frustrated when  
she came to help me make my change that I 
said, "Just give me 3beansalad" and that's
how it came about.
The third picture is an example of some quilts
I have made for a womens' shelter. When I 
make quilts for the children, I like to  
accompany them with a little comfort teddy
wrapped in a matching quilt.
I just learned that my hip replacement will be
 in about 9 months, can you believe that? 
I'll continue doing the exercises to keep up 
muscle tone, it hurts so much to move around 
and the exercises don't hurt quite as much 
and will make recuperation much easier and 
faster. I have to remind myself that there 
are people worse off.
I will let you get back to your life now, 
you people who blog and entertain and teach 
have to be so very busy and I don't want
to take more of your time.  I have to tell
you that I have a nephew who is a professor 
of kinesiology at the university in Melbourne
so I have a bit of connection to you!
 She has told me that she cant stand still 
for more than 2 minutes as her hip hurts so 
much. And her quilts are just fabulous.
So if you can pray for Sue that she is 
able to have her hip fixed as soon as 
possible that would be lovely, 
Love and Hugs to you Sue xox 

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